Saturday, December 5, 2009

Online Advertising in NJ

New Jersey Ad Agency


Google created its best income-generating method in 2007 with the Google AdWords pay per click advertising. This innovative advertising method left its competitors biting the dust with a revenue of over $16 billion. This became the Google search engine’s major source of income.

The Google AdWords pay per click advertising method caught on with online business owners and now, it’s an acceptable advertising model if you want your business to succeed online. However, those who cannot understand this advertising model may be wasting their time and money making this method work for them because they don’t truly understand its concepts.

Fact: To master Google AdWords pay per click advertising, you first must understand how the concept was created and also be made aware of the products history.

Bill Gross first developed the idea of AdWords pay per click advertising. He got this idea from the concept of the Yellow pages which divides businesses into certain categories or keywords. People who need certain products and services only have to look for these keywords and a list of businesses are presented to them. This concept generated more consumers and when applied online, ushered in a new era of advertising.

Pay per click NJ


If you're a webmaster, you've probably heard of Google's universal search. Google issued a press release on May 16 telling the world they were going to add videos, images, news, maps, and books in their search engine results pages (SERPs). Thus, you will see many types of media on the SERPs instead of just text-based websites.

How can webmasters take advantage of these developments? How should our search marketing and optimization efforts change? Google gets about 60-70 percent of the search engine traffic, so it's always a good idea to rank high on Google searches.

I think video will huge in the new search environment. It's time to start using screencast software like Camtasia and Cam Studio. You may want to dust off your webcam. If you really want to make an impact, you can start shooting quality videos with a good video camera.

Also, not only will video starting ranking higher in the SERPs, traffic from web videos has been shown to convert well. If you're selling affiliate products or have your own product, you can increase your conversion rate by using video. Even opt-ins and pay per lead offers will convert better with video.

Another search engine optimization (SEO) and traffic tactic that will become more effective is the press release. With news items moving up the SERPs, you'll want to submit press releases that relate to your website and your industry.

Where should you submit your press release? is one of the best online press release sites. They used to be free, but now they charge $80 for a press release without anchor text and $200 with anchor text. Also, there are free press release sites like

Another area to look into is images and pictures. In some niches and industries, the consumers are looking for images. For example, as I did my keyword research for my wedding site, I found that many keyword phrases included the word "pictures." People are typing in phrases like "wedding flower pictures" and "wedding dress pictures."

Also, the first results of these image related searches are pictures. You will get a lot of traffic if you land one of your images on the front page of these searches. So, if you're in a image-oriented niche, add more pictures to your website and see if that drives more traffic. And don't forget to add keyword-rich alt tags to your images. This will help your images rank.

NJ Ad Agency

Search Engine Optimization Basics

Search Engine Optimization New Jersey
Understanding Search Engine Marketing, and How to identify the differences between SEO and Pay Per Click Marketing:
New Jersey SEO is a growing field of professional services that are design to increase organic search engine visibility.  Organic Search Engine Listings are free search listings that are shown on internet search engine

Post from: NJ Marketing Company
Visit out Advertising Agency in NJ to learn more about our services.Search Engine Optimization Basics

iPhone SEO Tools for Online Marketing

We have assembled a good list of applications that will let you check the ranking of your website, popularity, domain info, page rank and more.Some of these apps even let you submit your website to some directories, social bookmarks. Pretty neat and you can do it while “on the run”. Whether you serve clients, or

Post from: NJ Marketing Company
Visit out Advertising Agency in NJ to learn more about our services.Search Engine Optimization Basics

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